Friday, January 16, 2009
I wont blame you if you fall asleep readin this taggie.. it's kinda super long lolz
tell me if you did fall asleep jokin
Taggie from MayLinda
I did this tag instead of the one with pics yeah lolz
I did this tag instead of the one with pics yeah lolz
001. Real name:
Joshua.. Paran.. Leong.. Chin.. Kuai..
Yeah kinda long, its cuz I’m mixed blood that’s why..
I think both my grandparents side ‘kiasu’ so they put both native names in,
cantonese and kelabit..
but now I’m suffering whenever I need to fill in forms XD
002. Nicknames:
Joshy, Jo, and,, pokoyo.. (luke you big chimpan lol)
002. Nicknames:
Joshy, Jo, and,, pokoyo.. (luke you big chimpan lol)
003. Married:
003. Married:
004. Zodiac sign:
004. Zodiac sign:
005. Male or female:
005. Male or female:
006. Age:
18 +
006. Age:
18 +
007. High school:
smk datuk patinggi haji abdul gapor
007. High school:
smk datuk patinggi haji abdul gapor
008. College:
Herm.. not really college not really Uni also.. since its still pre-U
Foundation in engineering Swinburne Sarawak
008. College:
Herm.. not really college not really Uni also.. since its still pre-U
Foundation in engineering Swinburne Sarawak
009. Residence:
Tabuan Dayak, Lorong 9
009. Residence:
Tabuan Dayak, Lorong 9
010. Hair color:
very dark brown
010. Hair color:
very dark brown
011. Long or short hair:
urm.. both?
Really ba.. not joking
Right side short, left side longer Xp
011. Long or short hair:
urm.. both?
Really ba.. not joking
Right side short, left side longer Xp
012. Smoke:
no.. way
012. Smoke:
no.. way
013. Drink:
wana ask what I drink? I seldom even take coffee much less alcohol..
Allergic to alcoholic contents anyway.. yeah..sad..
013. Drink:
wana ask what I drink? I seldom even take coffee much less alcohol..
Allergic to alcoholic contents anyway.. yeah..sad..
014. Available:
I’m free for the holidays.. lol just jokin.. taken.. lalalala~
014. Available:
I’m free for the holidays.. lol just jokin.. taken.. lalalala~
015. Are you a health freak:
I eat whatever and do whatever I consider fun..
so health wise, as long as it’s not life threatening I’ll most likely wana do it.. kua..
Recently eherm.. more conscious on food though..eherm..
And been sleeping waaaaay earlier..
015. Are you a health freak:
I eat whatever and do whatever I consider fun..
so health wise, as long as it’s not life threatening I’ll most likely wana do it.. kua..
Recently eherm.. more conscious on food though..eherm..
And been sleeping waaaaay earlier..
016. Weight :
70kg is my ideal weight..
current weight.. 56
So freagin hard to gain weight.. roar..
016. Weight :
70kg is my ideal weight..
current weight.. 56
So freagin hard to gain weight.. roar..
017. Do you have a crush?:
cuz I’m in 70^3
017. Do you have a crush?:
cuz I’m in 70^3
018. Do you like yourself:
urm.. ofcourse?
Not to sound hao lian la.. but don’t like yourself how to like others @.@
018. Do you like yourself:
urm.. ofcourse?
Not to sound hao lian la.. but don’t like yourself how to like others @.@
019. Piercings:
only holes I have on my body are ones that you already have on yours
No extra.. lol
019. Piercings:
only holes I have on my body are ones that you already have on yours
No extra.. lol
020. Tattoos:
erm..I have scars that look like tattoos
Tak mahu kalah
020. Tattoos:
erm..I have scars that look like tattoos
Tak mahu kalah
021. Righty or lefty:
022. First surgery:
never had one.. I think..
021. Righty or lefty:
022. First surgery:
never had one.. I think..
023: First piercing:
not yet
023: First piercing:
not yet
unless you count in needle piercings
which I have had on my ass plenty of times when I was younger
024. First best friend/s:
You know who you are
024. First best friend/s:
You know who you are
025. First award:
Gold (…plastic) medal in 4 x 100 meters (primary 4)
won Gold (plastic also) in kindergarden but
The gold in primary 4 sounds more impressive so wrote that down lolz
Hao lain again oops
025. First award:
Gold (…plastic) medal in 4 x 100 meters (primary 4)
won Gold (plastic also) in kindergarden but
The gold in primary 4 sounds more impressive so wrote that down lolz
Hao lain again oops
026. First memory:
what sorta question is this?
Don’t think I would like to remember how my mom looked like when I was born..
Would have be scary.. O.O
026. First memory:
what sorta question is this?
Don’t think I would like to remember how my mom looked like when I was born..
Would have be scary.. O.O
027. First pet:
chickens! Which.. sadly got eaten without me even knowing it..
What makes it worst is that.. I’m one of the persons that helped in eating..
027. First pet:
chickens! Which.. sadly got eaten without me even knowing it..
What makes it worst is that.. I’m one of the persons that helped in eating..
028. First vacation:
when I was few months old.. to my dad’s hometown of Kuala Kangsar
028. First vacation:
when I was few months old.. to my dad’s hometown of Kuala Kangsar
029. First concert:
only concerts I have attended besides church youth rallies are orchestra concertos
symphonics rock..!
029. First concert:
only concerts I have attended besides church youth rallies are orchestra concertos
symphonics rock..!
030. First crush:
primary 5 I guess
031. Last time you went out:
just now.. I just came out into the world.. from my room.. aiks
030. First crush:
primary 5 I guess
031. Last time you went out:
just now.. I just came out into the world.. from my room.. aiks
032. Last time you had a good time:
Having a good time right now
032. Last time you had a good time:
Having a good time right now
033. Last time you cried:
Whoa! You kidding me? Man don’t cry.. and I’m Man!! could you.. ask .. me… this.. sobs… XD
forgotten when.. but I remember why.. lalala~
Next question!!
033. Last time you cried:
Whoa! You kidding me? Man don’t cry.. and I’m Man!! could you.. ask .. me… this.. sobs… XD
forgotten when.. but I remember why.. lalala~
Next question!!
034. Last award:
SPM excellence by S'wak Teachers' Union
034. Last award:
SPM excellence by S'wak Teachers' Union
035. Last trip abroad:
Brunei.. Traveled there with cousins by car
035. Last trip abroad:
Brunei.. Traveled there with cousins by car
036. Last concert:
-.- lazy to type but I’ll type anyway..
Carry the call youth rally..
MPYO if you count in orchestra concertos
036. Last concert:
-.- lazy to type but I’ll type anyway..
Carry the call youth rally..
MPYO if you count in orchestra concertos
037. Last album you bought:
sad to say.. I download.. I know I know I should support the artist through buying Original products.. planning to get our local band “Yuna’s” cd
last one was Simple Plan..
037. Last album you bought:
sad to say.. I download.. I know I know I should support the artist through buying Original products.. planning to get our local band “Yuna’s” cd
last one was Simple Plan..
No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls
was a long long time ago..
038. Last song you played:
A song I made for someone, haven’t named it yet though..
038. Last song you played:
A song I made for someone, haven’t named it yet though..
039. Last phone call:
10 mins ago, called Dan, bout today's dinner
039. Last phone call:
10 mins ago, called Dan, bout today's dinner
040. Last laugh:
5 mins ago while sms'ing with 'da' hamster
040. Last laugh:
5 mins ago while sms'ing with 'da' hamster
041. Summer or winter:
041. Summer or winter:
042. Rainy or sunny:
042. Rainy or sunny:
043. Britney or Christina:
Beyonce (lol thought MayLinDas answer was funny)
043. Britney or Christina:
Beyonce (lol thought MayLinDas answer was funny)
044. TV or YouTube:
Movies XD
044. TV or YouTube:
Movies XD
045. Oprah or Tyra:
Oprah ofcourse
045. Oprah or Tyra:
Oprah ofcourse
046. McD’s or KFC:
046. McD’s or KFC:
047. Soccer or tennis:
Soccer.. Chelsea lost 3-0 to Man United..
so don’t wana bother with soccer for the next week.. haih.. what in the world happened to them.. haih
047. Soccer or tennis:
Soccer.. Chelsea lost 3-0 to Man United..
so don’t wana bother with soccer for the next week.. haih.. what in the world happened to them.. haih
048. New york or San Francisco:
San Francisco
049. Eating:
050. Drinking:
051. Wearing:
048. New york or San Francisco:
San Francisco
049. Eating:
050. Drinking:
051. Wearing:
nah.. just kiddin singlet and shorts actually
nah.. just kiddin singlet and shorts actually
052. Im about to:
go eat brunch
052. Im about to:
go eat brunch
053. Listening to:
TANK, fei ni muo shu
054. Food:
lazy to type.. so many you must be outa your mind if you ask me type all of them
053. Listening to:
TANK, fei ni muo shu
054. Food:
lazy to type.. so many you must be outa your mind if you ask me type all of them
055. Drinks:
copy paste (lazy to type.. so many you must be outa your mind if you ask me type all of them)
055. Drinks:
copy paste (lazy to type.. so many you must be outa your mind if you ask me type all of them)
056. Colors:
Black and ‘white or red’
056. Colors:
Black and ‘white or red’
057. Numbers:
usually like the number 7
but really.. doesn’t really matter
just numbers.. unless you wana buy toto.. dun look at me.. I don’t gamble
cept’ on Chinese new year lol
058. Want kids:
Dad and Mom would kill me if I said no.. XD
057. Numbers:
usually like the number 7
but really.. doesn’t really matter
just numbers.. unless you wana buy toto.. dun look at me.. I don’t gamble
cept’ on Chinese new year lol
058. Want kids:
Dad and Mom would kill me if I said no.. XD
059. Want to get married:
059. Want to get married:
060. Life:
Ce La’Vie it is what it is.. fun!
060. Life:
Ce La’Vie it is what it is.. fun!
061. Goals:
Finish studying with the best results I can get while sharing the good and the bad times with ‘da’ pet hamster oops.. lolx
061. Goals:
Finish studying with the best results I can get while sharing the good and the bad times with ‘da’ pet hamster oops.. lolx
062. Where will you live:
where ever God sends me (again very nicely answered by MayLinDa)
062. Where will you live:
where ever God sends me (again very nicely answered by MayLinDa)
063. Buy a house:
-.- U want me to bum off my parents? ….. sure!
Nah.. ofcourse I want a house once I can afford it la
063. Buy a house:
-.- U want me to bum off my parents? ….. sure!
Nah.. ofcourse I want a house once I can afford it la
064. Buy a car:
Newest Beetle Bentley!
066. Love your mom?:
064. Buy a car:
Newest Beetle Bentley!
066. Love your mom?:
067. Love your dad?:
067. Love your dad?:
068. Are they still together?:
Skip to question 75 since all my answers are both
068. Lips or eyes:
069. Hugs or kisses:
070. Shorter or Taller:
071. Lean or plump:
072. Romantic or spontaneous:
073 . Nice stomach or nice arms:
074 . Sensitive or loud:
075 . Hook-ups or relationships:
’long long long long long till I can’t wake up anymore’ lasting relationships
076. Bungee-jumped:
068. Are they still together?:
Skip to question 75 since all my answers are both
068. Lips or eyes:
069. Hugs or kisses:
070. Shorter or Taller:
071. Lean or plump:
072. Romantic or spontaneous:
073 . Nice stomach or nice arms:
074 . Sensitive or loud:
075 . Hook-ups or relationships:
’long long long long long till I can’t wake up anymore’ lasting relationships
076. Bungee-jumped:
077. Shook hands with someone important:
yeah most of the Kelabits are super people..
077. Shook hands with someone important:
yeah most of the Kelabits are super people..
not including me la XD
lolz if you don't know who
one example.. Dato'Sri Idris Jala :p
078. Kissed a stranger:
078. Kissed a stranger:
079. Drank bubbles:
yeah.. soap bubbes to be precise.. wanted to try what they tasted like.. regretted doing that afterwards..
Haven had fizzy bubbles for like 2 weeks now.. preparing tummy for Chinese new year :p
079. Drank bubbles:
yeah.. soap bubbes to be precise.. wanted to try what they tasted like.. regretted doing that afterwards..
Haven had fizzy bubbles for like 2 weeks now.. preparing tummy for Chinese new year :p
080. Lost glasses/contacts:
yeah tons of times herm.. where did I leave my glasses this morning.. X.x
080. Lost glasses/contacts:
yeah tons of times herm.. where did I leave my glasses this morning.. X.x
081. Ran away from home:
wanted to when I was young and dumb..
I used to pack my stuff into plastic bags when I got so pissed with my parents
That was when I was 12 mind you..
081. Ran away from home:
wanted to when I was young and dumb..
I used to pack my stuff into plastic bags when I got so pissed with my parents
That was when I was 12 mind you..
082. Liked someone younger:
082. Liked someone younger:
083. Older:
eherm.. not that old la.. still very young but she thinks she acts like lau ah ma.. lol
083. Older:
eherm.. not that old la.. still very young but she thinks she acts like lau ah ma.. lol
084. Broken someone’s heart:
T.T sad to say.. yes
084. Broken someone’s heart:
T.T sad to say.. yes
085. Been arrested:
yeah been arrested by my parents when I sneaked out of the study room to watch cartoons
085. Been arrested:
yeah been arrested by my parents when I sneaked out of the study room to watch cartoons
got handcuffed (locked) in the study room afterwards..
(happened during UPSR) lol
086. Turned someone down:
086. Turned someone down:
087. Cried when someone died:
087. Cried when someone died:
088. Liked a friend:
I like all my friends
088. Liked a friend:
I like all my friends
089. Yourself:
I’m superman! <--- these words speak for themselves XD
089. Yourself:
I’m superman! <--- these words speak for themselves XD
090. Miracles:
ofcourse experienced some myself.. like being born
091. Love at first sight:
nope.. I believe in love at every sight.. (towards the same person la ofcourse)
090. Miracles:
ofcourse experienced some myself.. like being born
091. Love at first sight:
nope.. I believe in love at every sight.. (towards the same person la ofcourse)
092. Heaven:
092. Heaven:
093. Santa clause:
wanted to… found out it was my dad… haih
093. Santa clause:
wanted to… found out it was my dad… haih
094. Sex on the first date:
094. Sex on the first date:
095. the more you hate, the more you love:
nope the more you care the more you love
095. the more you hate, the more you love:
nope the more you care the more you love
unless you mean it like..
da dai biao ten
ma dai baio guan xing
hen dai biao?
096. Angels:
yesh.. angels both sent by God and ..ding ding lolx
097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?:
even though gona see you later.. still.. yesh
096. Angels:
yesh.. angels both sent by God and ..ding ding lolx
097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?:
even though gona see you later.. still.. yesh
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time?:
no way..
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time?:
no way..
099. Do you believe in God?:
ofcourse la duh
099. Do you believe in God?:
ofcourse la duh
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game:
yeah.. I will..
You handsome boy! And you pretty gurl!
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game:
yeah.. I will..
You handsome boy! And you pretty gurl!
And you! duno boy or gurl XD..
And the next you! That comes by..
See.. all done :p
And the next you! That comes by..
See.. all done :p
~~Have a nice day~~ :)

(: superhellokittyman! :)
roll roll roll~~
so funny lah u!! wo yao gun zai di shang laugh n0n-stop liao loh, lol!!!
ish ish~ :) :) :)
Hamster helped u fill the last form leh~~ leh~ leh~~
Marked : No.9, No.13 (sad?? gd lah :P), No.14 (ohkayy T.T), No.15 (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr), No.17 (:) 70^3), No.24(who's dat?), No.30(wahhh, lihai!!! lol), No.33 (you hvnt tell me y, y y y?), No.38(name it quick, and the small small OR big big, white white lalala too), No.47(me noe nth bout soccer, bt MU lahhh!), No.53(im listening to THE MAN WHO CAN'T BE MOVED), No.79(swt!), No.84(who who who?), No.86(summore who who who who ??), No.96(ding ding lolx!! haih haih), NO NNUMBER (yuckzzz & yuckerrrrrzzzzz!!! wat is dat PINK HELLO KITTY suer man, eeeiirrrr)
u oso read this comment slowly, tell me if u fall aslp..haha
guess where I got number 17 from? lol.. number 15.. grrrrr whoa hold it there tiger, look who's the one who made me do all that grrrrrr..
no 33.. a.. maybe next time la hehe poke poke..
let hamster name it la when I sing it to her tralalalala..
small small or big big white white urm.. thinking of a name.. herm..
hamster number 3 LOL..
nah.. jokin.. xp
I'll be waiting for you at the corner of the street, cuz I'm the man who can't be moved. lala singin the song liaw..
no.17? dno oh, hehe..
>.< haha urm.. I think my pet hamster not only big.. but geting old also lolz..
kuachi kuachi.. yum yum.. dun forget to drink lots of water too~
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