Thursday, December 25, 2008

In the Spring to?

~~Shop for Arvin's Dad's Christmas present!~~

where is it.. hm..

ooo... visitors from Doulos! cheese!

yesh dat pose was kinda lame.. I think I scared the little kids who were walking by.. XD
btw "some people" our colourful friend here only wana see "some other people "not "some people" lolz

oo met DunDun so chun he's posing here so I took a picture..

Arvineee... and... Kim, oops! xP

he's posing here too so I took another picture


oh another poser..

wow this guy too much la.. but still, give him face la snap anyway..


we were shopping halfway when we heard squeek squeek...

(turns.. ei? no one around.. continues walking..)

squeek squeek

(turns... quiet,,, walks)

squeek squeek






Gotcha!... huh?




so small no wonder she hides so well lolz

~wearing pink squeeky shoes sumore~




suai ger here hehe

..finally done..

herm.. have I bought enough to get 10 free vouchers?

zzzz ..tired.. zzzz

that's it for Holiday shopping!
no shopping for me this season
!!but it's still fun though woooot!!


@ SmalL G!RL said...

wat some people, and sooommmmeeee ottthhhehrrrr peooooppllllleeeee? apa tu? grr...

sqqquuueeeekkkk!! i oso wan to compete with xiao meimei in the hide and seek game liao, sure i lose..

Josh.p.Leo.C.k said...

sorry lo, dun understand then too bad lolx

u compete? don't bully lil girl lo.. later her mummy angry cham...
u no need find for me liaw
I run first ,byebye XD

Anonymous said...

yeeeeeeerrrr... r r r r u u Michael Jackson? (shakin')

Josh.p.Leo.C.k said...

=.= looks like you must be having fun in Miri huh? since you're in such a good mood lolz xp

whaat de... out of all the people to choose from you call me Michael Jackson,, >.< sobs.. no waay

More from Mua

He is of both Chinese(yellow people)and Kelabit(mountain people) origins and migrated from the small town of Marudi in the mountainous region of Sarawak due to specific unexplainable phenomenon. Claims to have been potty trained by the age of 2 and learned to converse not long after, has minimal knowledge of both his native tongues and therefore would have trouble conversing with his own folks were it not for the English language. Is currently bumming in and around the Kuching city area and is usually seen wondering in the Swinburne University of technology, Sarawak compounds with no apparent reason or objective. If spotted please approach with a smile as he might consider people with non-smiley faces hostile.
He, prefers the colour combination of either White/Red & Black as it reminds him of his love for. . those colours, likes playing badminton as seeing the shuttlecocks fly reminds him of his previous aspirations to be an astronaut, admires all that are pretty like the girl he is fond of, thinks highly of people who are not afraid to be themselves in public though he has trouble doing just that, loves his religion, his mom, his dad and his other 2 siblings (Rachel & Aaron)
Some of his usual habits include plucking the strings of his guitar, staring at a square box that projects interesting images, eating in front of the box that projects images, hanging out with individuals of the two or four legged species and doing all of the above at once.
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