Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's my first post, Yay~!

Good thing is.. it's my first post! and I'm rather contented with it. there, showed you Mel <-- she said my blog (before the upgrade) was La meh 'lame' Lolx urm... well that is about all i can think of for the yay stuff, Now for the not so yay..... stuff

My all time expendable Nokia flip phone was stolen, yea it sucks but it was partly due to my carelessness. Now that its gone it doesnt really feel that expendable anymore T_T what is worse is that the next day, which was yesterday my Kia, Karens (my mom's technically) got bumped in by my not so careful neighbour. thats the second time within 6 months my car, i mean.. my moms car got hit, that'll cost me another 'walk to school if I'm late' week

So, thus far things i have achieved which did not make my parents too proud:
-Screwed my china made PDA (less than 5 months old) RM700+
-Fried my PC (less than 3 months old) RM1000+ repairs
-Bumped my car in an accident (less than 4 months driving) RM9000+ in repairs
-Got my phone stolen (took me less than 3 months for that one) RM300 gone
-Car got bumped into... again (still uncertain)
-now my parents are wondering whether i can be entrusted with my own car, after all that the likely hood is.... RM 30000+ lost a brand new car

I think my eyes are starting to bleed after calculating my expenditures within this six months..

Hm.. thought I was supposed to feel better after letting go of some of my problems... but somehow this doesn't seem to feel any better... oh well >.<
ps-sorry for the lack of images as proof, you just got to trust me on this one


More from Mua

He is of both Chinese(yellow people)and Kelabit(mountain people) origins and migrated from the small town of Marudi in the mountainous region of Sarawak due to specific unexplainable phenomenon. Claims to have been potty trained by the age of 2 and learned to converse not long after, has minimal knowledge of both his native tongues and therefore would have trouble conversing with his own folks were it not for the English language. Is currently bumming in and around the Kuching city area and is usually seen wondering in the Swinburne University of technology, Sarawak compounds with no apparent reason or objective. If spotted please approach with a smile as he might consider people with non-smiley faces hostile.
He, prefers the colour combination of either White/Red & Black as it reminds him of his love for. . those colours, likes playing badminton as seeing the shuttlecocks fly reminds him of his previous aspirations to be an astronaut, admires all that are pretty like the girl he is fond of, thinks highly of people who are not afraid to be themselves in public though he has trouble doing just that, loves his religion, his mom, his dad and his other 2 siblings (Rachel & Aaron)
Some of his usual habits include plucking the strings of his guitar, staring at a square box that projects interesting images, eating in front of the box that projects images, hanging out with individuals of the two or four legged species and doing all of the above at once.
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